Programme Theme Displays

Here is my growing selection of programme theme displays. I think that having a visually appealing and interactive programme really helps with parent input in the room. You get many more parents stopping to have a look and a read, as well as adding some parent input which is always fantastic.

For these displays I print them out on A3 paper and laminate them. Then cut around the pictures, add Velcro dots/strips to the back of each piece and hang it on our bulletin board. Alternatively you can at magnetic strips if you have a white board instead.

Using the speech bubbles for the programme, means that I can type up my programme on the computer, print it out, cut the squares and stick them up each month.

I hope to make some more programme theme displays for other holiday months such as Easter, Halloween, St Patrick's Day etc. So if you have any ideas I would love to hear them.

to use on the lead up to Christmas

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